The Life of Bi Project

About This Project
Welcome, I am so glad you have found my website. This site began as part of a project for school. I am a non-traditional student attending Oregon State University ECampus working on my BS in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and minoring in Queer Studies. This site was created as part of my Queer Studies practicum as a companion to my guide “Navigating Life After Mormonism: The Road Less Traveled, LGBTQ+ Edition."
Please check it out here.

I am an ex-Mormon who tossed religion out with the bathwater and am comfortable knowing that I know nothing about life before or after my time on earth. My passion is learning all I can about gender and sexuality and hopefully leaving one person with the knowledge that they are not alone.

We are part of a community that is building a future where everyone regardless of labels is welcome, supported, and encouraged to thrive. I identify as pansexual although even that label does not quite capture the space I occupy. I invite you to imagine a future that places diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice at its foundation. Join us as we build a future where all individuals, regardless of the space they occupy, can live in love, peace, and understanding.

Photograph by Nathan Oliphant:  South Jetty, Eureka, CA
"South Jetty, Eureka, CA" by, can be reused under the CC BY license

Preparing for Sharing Worksheet
Whether it is you or your child that is coming out it is important that family be included in this knowledge. Depending on multiple factors including how close family lives to you; upcoming get-togethers; changes in living arrangements, you may be able to delay telling family or you may need to share this news sooner than you might feel ready to. The important thing to remind yourself is that you care about the people you will be sharing this knowledge with and you want them to feel loved and respected when you talk with them.

The intent of this worksheet is to help you prepare your thoughts before you share this new and exciting information with your family. Feel free to use all, part, or none of this worksheet, because this is your story, your experience, and your family.
Preparing For Sharing Worksheet

We Invite you to be an Ally Worksheet
After you have initially shared this new and exciting information with your family you may want to leave them with a reminder of what you talked with them about. Or maybe they have asked you for more information or a reminder of what you talked with them about. Perhaps you are contemplating the first family get together after you have shared this new information with family and you want to remind them of expectations. This worksheet can be a guide for family engaging for the first time and as a reminder of what they can expect from you and what you expect from them.
We Invite You To Be An Ally Worksheet

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