Cookies & Privacy Policy
We use Google Analytics to view user engagement, including number of unique visitors, pages visited, average engagement time, and visitors by city, state, and country.
Our data collection, via Google Analytics, is to see what sort of user enagagement this project site has. As such, we will neither sell nor share the analytics data with anyone beyond the class instructor.
Forms filled out here are displayed in your browser only, not processed on a server-side application.
If you wish to view our page without having any usage information saved,
please install the
Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on. Another option is to use your browser's incognito/private window mode
so that any cookies and cached site data is deleted once you close the
incognito/private window. And finally, most (all?) browsers have privacy
and security settings where you can manage your data, removing all
cookies and cached site data, or selecting individual cookies. This
site's cookies are all under
In addition to the Google Analytics cookie that is created or updated when you visit this site, we create a session cookie to save whether you have accepted our cookie policy. If you accept the cookie policy, then the cookie policy notice banner at the bottom of the page will be hidden. If you ignore the cookie policy, the popup will continue to display. Depending on your browser, this session cookie should expire as soon as you close your browser tab or window. Some browsers, however, may no longer properly handle session cookies. For more details on this, please see this discussion at Stack Overflow.
By using this website, you agree to the Privacy Policy and the cookies usage.
If you are interested in reading about all possible information Google collects across all of their services, please see Google's Privacy Policy.
By using this website, you agree to this Cookies & Privacy Policy.